Badung adalah salah satu kabupaten yang ada di bali banyak obyek wisata yang di kenal dan rami di datangi wisatawanterdapat di kabupaten ini. Salah satunya mungkin tempat tempat belum di kenal banyak orang. Yaitu tanjung benoa, tempat ini berada dekat kawasan Nusa Dua. Tepat nya tanjung benoa banyak tempat-tempat yang sangat bagus buat wisatawan baik asing maupun local ada beberapa makanan khas yang ada di tanjung benoa ini salah satu nya makanan yang bernama batu-batu. Makanan ini sangat menarik untuk di rasakan oleh wisatwan yang datang ke desa tanjung benoa ini.
Batu-batu sering di kenal dengan sebutan ‘stone food’ karena bentuk makanan ini sangat unik dan mirip seperti batu.Makanan ini berasal dari keong laut, yang sering di jadikan umpan kepiting laut. Dan pada tahun 1989 banyak orang mulai berfikir dan membuat resep untuk mengolah keong laut ini menjadi makanan.
Cara membuat makanan sangatlah mudah,
1.Pertama keong di keluarkan dari cangkang nya,lalu direbus dengan air garam,
2.Kemudian kita membuat bumbu yaitu :
Bawang putih ;
Cuka ;
3. Semua bumbu di haluskan menjadi satu.
4. hidangkan makanan ini di dalam cangkir sup.
Apabila anda ingin memesan atau sekedar menikmati makanan ini anda cukup datang ke warung-warung yang ada di desa tanjung benoa. Dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau yaitu Rp. 2.000 – Rp. 5.000 per porsi nya ( by andre irawan )
Badung is a regency in Bali many of the familiar sights and bustling tourists go there in this district. One of them might be a place where not many people in the know. Namely Benoa peninsula, this place is located near the area of Nusa Dua. His exact Benoa Harbour many places that are very good for both foreign and local tourists there are some typical foods in Benoa Harbour this is one food that named him the stones. This food is very interesting to feel the tourists who come to this village of Benoa Harbour.
The stones are often known as 'stone food' because these foods are very unique shape and looks like stone. These foods derived from marine snails, which are often made in the marine crab bait. And in 1989 many people started thinking and create a recipe for preparing a food this sea snail.
How to make a meal is easy,
1.first released from the snail his shell, and then boiled with salt water,
2.after that we make a seasoning that is:
3. All the ingredients in the puree into one.
4. This food served in a cup of soup.
If you want to order or just enjoy this meal you just come to the food stalls in the village of Benoa Harbour. With a very affordable price of Rp. 2,000 - Rp. 5,000 per share of it ( by andre irawan )
Badung is a regency in Bali many of the familiar sights and bustling tourists go there in this district. One of them might be a place where not many people in the know. Namely Benoa peninsula, this place is located near the area of Nusa Dua. His exact Benoa Harbour many places that are very good for both foreign and local tourists there are some typical foods in Benoa Harbour this is one food that named him the stones. This food is very interesting to feel the tourists who come to this village of Benoa Harbour.
The stones are often known as 'stone food' because these foods are very unique shape and looks like stone. These foods derived from marine snails, which are often made in the marine crab bait. And in 1989 many people started thinking and create a recipe for preparing a food this sea snail.
How to make a meal is easy,
1.first released from the snail his shell, and then boiled with salt water,
2.after that we make a seasoning that is:
3. All the ingredients in the puree into one.
4. This food served in a cup of soup.
If you want to order or just enjoy this meal you just come to the food stalls in the village of Benoa Harbour. With a very affordable price of Rp. 2,000 - Rp. 5,000 per share of it ( by andre irawan )